Press Release Summary: Before diving into currency trading, investors should take the time to learn how to properly trade forex
Press Release Body: is an easy way to learn forex trading. The site is broken down into 5 tutorials. In the first section, \'Learn Forex Basics\', the fundamental concepts of the foreign exchange market is discussed. Specifically, it describes currency pairs, the role of pips in pricing, initial margin, maintenance, margin, and leverage. The \'Learn Forex\' section also provides a very handy example of a trade, and what it would look like on a computer screen.
The second tutorial, \'What Moves Currency Prices?\', details the factors that produce changes to currency values. It provides a succinct lesson on macroeconomic factors - such as national budget, inflation, GDP, and balance of trade. This section also briefly touches subjects like market psychology and political influences.
In lesson 3, the website delves into market participants. It begins with an intro to the major forex players - such as the \'interbank market\' and central banks. It then quickly moves on to describe the 2 classes of typical trading speculation. Most large investors will trade forex through hedge funds, while smaller investors will typically use a retail forex broker.
The 4th and 5th lessons may be the most helpful in learning forex trading. The 4th section is a small tutorial explaining the various market opportunities for trading currency. Most people probably don\'t realize that currency trading can be done through so many mechanisms - spot forex, futures, options, or ETFs
The 5th, and perhaps most useful lesson, really isn\'t a lesson at all. It is actually a couple of handy checklists that every trader should have nearby when finding a broker. The first checklist is basically a series of \"should haves\" - things the broker should have like insurance and regulation. The 2nd list is 9 tips for avoiding fraud. This list is provided by the CFTC, the US government regulatory agency for futures and forex.
The site also has 3 handy tools. The real time forex quotes utility allows traders to see up to date currency pricing. The Simulated Trading software lets users try their hand at forex trading without using real money. The top 10 forex websites provides a handy list of links that will be valuable to any investor learning forex trading.
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